

Science brook H (应用领域:医药 For pharmaceutical)

技术指标 Tchnical Parameters


  应用说明:Science Brook H 为药品级硅酸镁铝,严格控制产品的重金属、微生物的含量,适用于医药行 业药用辅料,尤其适宜于片剂药品制备。符合欧洲药典、美国药典品质要求。推荐用量为 2%~8%,用户也 可根据需求调整。

  Guide: Science Brook H is pharmaceutical grade. The heavy metals, microbial content are strictly controlled. The product is used in pharmaceutical as medicinal materials, especially suitable for the preparation of pharmaceutical tablets.  Typical addition amount is between 2% and 8%. It can be adjusted in a certain range according to your requirements.

北京京盛国泰科技有限公司版权所有 2010   京ICP备05016276号-1